SBVR thoughts
I spent two days last week to study the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and business Rule or SBVR specification. SBVR is part of the OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) with the goal to capture specifications in natural language and represent them in formal logic so they can be machine-processed. It includes two specialized vocabularies: * Vocabulary for Describing Business Vocabularies which deals with all kinds of terms and meanings. * Vocabulary for Describing Business Rules which deals with the specification of the meaning of business rules, and builds on top of the previous vocabulary. The meanings are declined into concepts, questions and propositions. The meaning is what someone intends to express or understands. A phrase such as "We deny the invoice if the medical treatment was done after one year of the accident" has a clear meaning for a claim processor within a car insurance company. Analysts need to transform logically this meaning into concepts which has...