
Showing posts from December, 2008

Manufacturing Equipment System and CEP

I just finished a proof of concept for a manufacturing customer on how to use a inference engine to process events coming from a Manufacturing Equipment System. Without breaking any confidential information, I just want to highlight the use cases, the proposed architecture, and give some example of rules. At the high level, the business use cases are real time fault detection and equipment monitoring. Equipments are tools running on the manufacturing floor. The manufacturing tools process parts. After a certain amount of work processed, a tool needs some maintenance and any parts assigned need to be inhibited so the MES can route these Work In Progress parts to equivalent tools. Tool can generate alarms, and the system can take preventive action and/or alert people to avoid bigger problem. So for fault detection a rule looks like: if Alarm_id == 36 then inhibit parts running on tool initiating the alarm, and send email and SMS message to floor manager I have to complete this rule set w...