Service Component Architecture
Discussing about agile IT architecture on this blog without going to SCA will be a major error. I'm playing with SCA since last September, and I love it. Service Component Architecture is defined as the implementation of the SOA architecture. You can read an excellent paper from David Chappell on this subject . SCA separates application business logic and the implementation details. It provides a model that defines interfaces, implementations, and references in a technology neutral way, letting us to bind these elements to any technology specific implementation. For the business case and business user point of views the value propositions are around: - Save time and money - A simpler API, Efficient GUI tools to assemble components to build new application - Enable and encourage reuse - Developers can create composites that perform useful functions. SCA makes it easy to use and reuse business logic. - Bring agility to interchange business logic - Bring visibility on how the...