
Showing posts from 2012

Part 2 for BPM and ODM integration

In this second article I describe different out-of-the-box BPM and ODM integration capabilities and recommends an approach that provides better performance and flexibility for a long-term production solution. Best practices for designing and implementing decision services, Part 2: Integrating IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Operational Decision Management I hope you will like it.

June BPM journal article

Here is an important article published within IBM BPM journal for decision service design. I have to share this set of best practices because it is often confusing and misleading. I hope it will help your implementation.

Redbook on WODM 7.5

A new redbook was just release about WebSphere Operational Decision Manager, which is JRules renamed, and integrated with the event processing of Websphere business event. The book can be seen here The two products are now using the same language construct delivered by JRules business rule language definition framework. Event processing rules complete the current if <> then <> rule structure and open the door to interesting applications. The next step is to make architects thinking about Event Driven Architecture by instrumenting application to generate event of interest, and adopt a publish and subscribe model. Not yet there. The good news is that from a SOA service is not that complex to generate events so an event processing engine can correlate, aggregate them. I have the chance to review this redbook, and I love the fact that it is not just BPM. I'm tired to get 'industry expert' mixing rule engine with BPM and saying everything is a business process proble...