DIALOG 09- A Success

Last week I was at Dialog 09, the ILOG customer conference. It was a real success, and real pleasure to see all the BRMS customers presenting how they are able to empower the business users to maintain rules. James is blogging on Dialog, and you can see good summaries there.

I was co-presenting effective rule writing, which is still a hot topic for business rule application, and there is some web seminar on this topic as soon as this week.
Another important subject is about rule deployment and the different strategies for deploying rules with the IT. I will blog on that soon.
The last presentation was on SMABTP, a very successful story on SOA adoption, and BRMS deployment: in 2002, Jean Michel Detavernier (CIO Deputy) has the Vision to embrace SOA at the enterprise level, deploy rules every where and put in place a real agile IT architecture. It is now possible to define new insurance product in days where it was needed months before. There are still customers, architects, and CIO who are questioning SOA value proposition, they may need to read such presentation. In such difficult economy, agile IT architecture is a Must. no question.


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