The new trends of IT development for business applications group three important needs:

  • how to develop and deploy applications, business processes and decisions faster than ever to operate at a massive scale.  Those applications include new capabilities like chatbot, cognitive integration and machine learning capabilities to improve human to machine interactions
  • developers want to use their own languages, components, APIs, and frameworks so they can develop quickly new business application, deploy. measure and learn from production execution. They need to get the job done, agile way, building by short iteration and incremental capabilities that bring quick business values to the line of business. They need to adopt lean startup approach, A/B testing and pivot if needed. 
  • Access to resources, compute capabilities, added value services, on demand, as a  service consumption with simple pricing, and test and run as they need to scale in and out. 
In term of business leads, digital transformation is the major vector for change: augment business process with AI capabilities, improve integration to existing systems, public , private APIs, optimize decision execution, improve human experience. 
I'm presenting next week in madrid how a technical implementation supporting those needs may look like by integrating API management, integration, Java based microservice, cognitive services, scoring service based on machine learning running on Sparks. All the content, how tos, code is open sourced and can be found here:


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